
Sunday, 2 October 2011

 They say -

At twilight,

at that moment when the blue night falls on the world,

the world becomes silent,

silent for a moment,

like the audience in rapture after the curtain drapes down the stage.

Perhaps it is this moment- the moment of complete silence

when I hear a muffled voice say your name.

Where are you?

Who else is with you?

Saying what?

Are you busy?

Making big endeavours in a still bigger world?

Or are you thinking of me?

Remembering the smaller moments of my small world?

Why does love come on me

and the whole of me wants you in the evenings,

when the hills recede into blur lines

and the gloomy trees into erasing shadows?

Often I have sat in the steps


Watching the sun sway behind the purple clouds.

Watching it display the wonders of melting into a darkness.

Of dying.

The food has turned cold.

You will be late-as always.

When you will come you will be preoccupied-as ever.

I know you will move into the room called “self”.

Where is the key to this room?

Do I have it?

Do you?

Or is it lost?

Lost and gone like the sun.

And we?

We will recede like wonderless, dark silhouettes

Into our “selves”

Into an oblivion

Into death.

( Poem Published in Assam Tribune as a series of poems titled Melancholy Moods and as a part of a write up in The Eclectic. )


Dhruva Mistry said...

beautiful words and images of your life and love with shades and tints of secrets and sunny delight.

John said...

Why do your writings talk more about sad feelings, death etc ?

Anonymous said...

There are days when solitude is a heady wine that intoxicates you with freedom, others when it is a bitter tonic, and still others when it is a poison that makes you beat your head against the wall...

thanks again for sharing this beautiful piece with us...take care

Anjali Tirkey said...

Thanks Dhruva.....though I wonder if the sunny delight you mentioned is some new dawn some day or....???

John ...May be by nature I am always sad...need to think on it.

Anonymous yes solitude can be heavenly and this I experience in my solo-travelling but solitude or preferably called loneliness can be killing too. The pix and poem are portraying that I guess.


gabriel said...

Though silent, there is a big war inside... very meticulously expressed thoughts..

suman arvind said...

this is so beautifully expressed
i guess it is the story of every "self" which is not yet ready to embrace the living ,the reality ,the love as too scared of that egoist self or the facade of so called intelligent day to day living.....but in a way this longing gives you a sense of belonging to circumstances...

Anjali Tirkey said...

Thanks Gabriel.
Thanks Suman is interesting to read your views.


Manuj Mehta said...


Manuj Mehta said...

Why does love come on me

and the whole of me wants you in the evenings,

when the hills recede into blur lines

and the gloomy trees into erasing shadows?

what a fine description of the thoughts.. very well picture portrayal of thoughts.

trishna barua said...

beautiful n expressive words.....

Anjali Tirkey said...

Thanks a lot Manuj Mehata and Trishna Barua.


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